Why we started BIENNE

Why we started BIENNE

bienne-un hogar para ti-a home for you

I was speaking to a friend the other day after having a bit of an emotional breakdown.

I'd been feeling lonely and missing friends and loved ones far away. I was telling her how the pain of loneliness is what fuels me and especially, what fuels BIENNE.

So why did Lien and I start BIENNE?

Selfishly: to build a community for ourselves.

Unselfishly: to help people feel less alone.

Connection has always been a strong part of our lives. 

It's what drove us to move to London and find people that we could connect with. And when we were back in Perth, struggling again to connect with anything and anyone, it's what drove us to start BIENNE.

I feel like since Covid started, loneliness has only increased in the world. The majority of us haven't seen loved ones in at least a couple years. It's the first time we've physically had to stay in one place for so long. And if you're anything like us, and thrive off travel or have family and friends that are miles away, it's been especially hard adjusting.

But I think what's nice, is that it's made us more conscious about communicating and checking in. The other day I spent the whole day FaceTiming friends. It felt so nice to know that despite not being able to physically be with each other, we've managed to grow closer.

I wanted to share this with you because I really hope you know that being with us on this journey, is so much more than just about releasing some nice products.

At the core, we hope that BIENNE can be a home for you.

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